CeRam-Kote Military/Aviation Applications


Aircraft in New Zealand spread Superphosphate fertilizer by aerial topdressing over rough terrain not accessible by land-based vehicles. Superphosphate has a corrosive acid content and is spread in a granular form which is very abrasive. Operators previously used fiberglass sheeting in an attempt to reduce the abrasive effect on the airframe, but these systems were difficult to apply, prone to cracking and delamination, and added to the aircraft weight. Another previous system involved applying a vehicle decking system, but separated from the substrate when fuel spilled on it.


Following successful trials with wear test plates in a fertilizer manufacturing plant, CeRam-Kote 54® has been applied by both roller and spray methods to the fuselage areas aft of the fertilizer release chute and on the inboard area of the flaps. Initial reports showed successful operation with no signs of wear. Leading edges of the tailplanes and fin surfaces will be tested next with expectations that CeRam-Kote 54® will prevent impact damage from the abrasive fertilizer granules.