CeRam-Kote Wastewater Applications
Wastewater Treatment Plant Clarifier | Vac-Con Treatment System | Wastewater Lift Stations
The wastewater treatment plant clarifier removes 80% of the solids of the incoming wastewater. Corrosion is accelerated, due to the anaerobic conditions and the high content of hydrogen sulfides. Hydrogen sulfide creates a highly corrosive environment that is exceptionally hard on the weirs and rakes of the clarifier. The corrosiveness and chlorides of Big Spring water amplifies the corrosion rate by at least two times. Extensive clean-up of algae growth is often required. Big Spring's clarifier was already partially deteriorated due to ten years of previous service and required major periodic repairs. Typical coatings in this environment lasted a maximum of five years.
The City of Big Spring made the necessary repairs to the wastewater clarifier and used CeRam-Kote 54® on all metal parts. Eleven years later, Big Spring's City Engineer said CeRam-Kote 54® held up extremely well and only required spot repairs, performing far better than previous coatings. CeRam-Kote 54® applications at the treatment plant include clarifiers, ladders and lift stations with proven performance in excess of eleven years. The Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor recommends using CeRam-Kote 54® whenever possible to add life to wastewater equipment.