CeRam-Kote Oil & Gas Applications

Natural gas gathering plants suffer O. D. atmospheric corrosion and I.D. corrosion from production fluids and gases.

Due to the enormous size of the vessels pictured, both I.D. and O.D. coating were applied at the Big Spring Freecom facility. Then the vessels were shipped to eight gathering system locations in New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma, assembled and retouched as necessary at the sites.

The pipeline company has reported satisfaction with CeRam-Kote 54® for use in their gathering plants.

CLICK HERE to view pdf file of CeRam-Kote's PIPE COATING solutions in the Oil and Gas Industry: CeRam-Kote PCF...the downhole coating systems developed to extend the useful life of your tubing, casing and drill pipe. CeRam-Kote 54® TZS...abrasion resistant pipe coating formula.