CeRam-Kote Wastewater Applications


Wastewater lift stations and re-lift stations are used to transport wastewater from lower to higher elevations on to other treatment processes. They are located both in the wastewater treatment plant and wherever needed at low lying areas of a city's wastewater system. The gate valves, check valves, piping, impellers and sumps are subjected to foreign materials, organic constituents, oils, fats, grease and chemicals in varying strengths and pH.


The 20 food head (6.096 meter) main lift station at Big Spring's wastewater treatment facility pumps an average of 22 hours per day. CeRam-Kote 54® was applied to five pump valves, piping, check valves and pipe gallery (I.D. and O.D.). Ten years later, the suction side and discharge side valves were pulled. Even though there was no damage to the coating or valves, CeRam-Kote 54® was re-applied as a preventive maintenance measure.

CeRam-Kote 54® was also applied to the check valves, impellers and casing of one pump at the 23 foot head (7.235 meter) re-lift station. After 10 years of service, pumping 22 hours per day, the pump was pulled. Upon inspection, the CeRam-Kote 54® looked like new and the pump was reinstalled with no repairs necessary.

Nine years later, a 20 foot head (6.097 meter) lift station was built near a local prision site. CeRam-Kote 54® was applied to all casings, pumps, valves, manifolds, and the concrete sump. After three years of pumping 6 hours per day, CeRam-Kote 54® is still performing without need for repair.