CeRam-Kote Windpower Industry Applications

Wind Generators

Wind power is the energy source of the future. By the year 2005, Denmark expects to receive 50% of its energy from offshore wind power. Two thousand wind generators will be installed in Northern Germany in the next two years.

Wind generators are subjected to harsh atmospheric and corrosive conditions in both onshore and offshore locations. The 1.5 megawatt, 75 meter (246 ft.) high wind generator towers are built for a lifespan of 20 years of onshore service while offshore generators will last 30 years. Protective coatings used are required to provide the same inservice life because coating maintenance is not practical after these massive generators are placed in service.

CeRam-Kote 54® has been providing superior abrasion and corrosion protection to offshore structures. Life cycle studies of offshore platform structures and equipment substantiate CeRam-Kote 54®’s ability to last the wind generator’s offshore life expectancy.

Coatings used must also withstand the harsh mechanical abuse of heavy equipment during manufacturing, transport and assembly. The heavy loading of ceramics in CeRam-Kote 54® provides a tough, durable shell that protects against abrasion and abuse. After the complex and potentially damaging assembly process, a recently installed frame and propeller hub coated with CeRam-Kote 54® sustained no mechanical damage, the customer reported. However, CeRam-Kote 54® can be easily touched up, if necessary.

CeRam-Kote 54® has been selected for use over a combined thermal spray/epoxy system due to its superior physical and mechanical properties, and speed of application. The applicator reported considerable time and labor savings by using CeRam-Kote 54® which reduced coating of a frame from 4 days to 1 day. The exponential expansion of wind power as a viable energy source in Europe makes the time and labor savings of using CeRam-Kote 54® as the coating of choice, significant.

A major wind generator manufacturer in Germany has recently specified CeRam-Kote 54® for all their on and offshore protection of metallic subtrates.


CeRam-Kote Wastewater Applications


Wastewater lift stations and re-lift stations are used to transport wastewater from lower to higher elevations on to other treatment processes. They are located both in the wastewater treatment plant and wherever needed at low lying areas of a city's wastewater system. The gate valves, check valves, piping, impellers and sumps are subjected to foreign materials, organic constituents, oils, fats, grease and chemicals in varying strengths and pH.


The 20 food head (6.096 meter) main lift station at Big Spring's wastewater treatment facility pumps an average of 22 hours per day. CeRam-Kote 54® was applied to five pump valves, piping, check valves and pipe gallery (I.D. and O.D.). Ten years later, the suction side and discharge side valves were pulled. Even though there was no damage to the coating or valves, CeRam-Kote 54® was re-applied as a preventive maintenance measure.

CeRam-Kote 54® was also applied to the check valves, impellers and casing of one pump at the 23 foot head (7.235 meter) re-lift station. After 10 years of service, pumping 22 hours per day, the pump was pulled. Upon inspection, the CeRam-Kote 54® looked like new and the pump was reinstalled with no repairs necessary.

Nine years later, a 20 foot head (6.097 meter) lift station was built near a local prision site. CeRam-Kote 54® was applied to all casings, pumps, valves, manifolds, and the concrete sump. After three years of pumping 6 hours per day, CeRam-Kote 54® is still performing without need for repair.


CeRam-Kote Wastewater Applications

Wastewater Treatment Plant ClarifierVac-Con Treatment System | Wastewater Lift Stations


The wastewater treatment plant clarifier removes 80% of the solids of the incoming wastewater. Corrosion is accelerated, due to the anaerobic conditions and the high content of hydrogen sulfides. Hydrogen sulfide creates a highly corrosive environment that is exceptionally hard on the weirs and rakes of the clarifier. The corrosiveness and chlorides of Big Spring water amplifies the corrosion rate by at least two times. Extensive clean-up of algae growth is often required. Big Spring's clarifier was already partially deteriorated due to ten years of previous service and required major periodic repairs. Typical coatings in this environment lasted a maximum of five years.


The City of Big Spring made the necessary repairs to the wastewater clarifier and used CeRam-Kote 54® on all metal parts. Eleven years later, Big Spring's City Engineer said CeRam-Kote 54® held up extremely well and only required spot repairs, performing far better than previous coatings. CeRam-Kote 54® applications at the treatment plant include clarifiers, ladders and lift stations with proven performance in excess of eleven years. The Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor recommends using CeRam-Kote 54® whenever possible to add life to wastewater equipment.


CeRam-Kote Wastewater Applications


  • The debris tanks suffer from severe abrasion created by the suction intake velocity of 60 mph.
  • The tanks are subjected to corrosion and erosion from a variety of waste matter.
  • The waste matter makes it dfficult to clean the debris tanks properly.



The interior of the debris tanks were sandblasted to proper specifications and coated with CeRam-Kote 54®. With the protection of CeRam-Kote 54®, the service life of the debris tanks has increased. CeRam-Kote 54® helped in improving the cleaning capability of the debris tanks. It also solved the corrosion and abrasion problems from the waste matter.


CeRam-Kote Oil & Gas Applications

Compare our ceramic/epoxy and ceramic/urethane coatings against typical alkyd-based paints or competitive epoxy coatings and you'll find we not only excel in performance but are also very cost competitive. CeRam-Kote has been used in the oil industry for over 21 years with excellent success.

Our competitive edge comes from our ceramic loading technology which makes our coatings tougher protective coatings than the competition.

Our coating offer outstanding chemical resistance to the most common oil field fluids: Saltwater, HCL, Oils Fuels.

We offer internal coating as well as external coatings. Both stem resist all type of common oil field fluids, and still maintain our damage resistance qualities-essential for use in the oil patch. The Frac Tanks are internally lined with CeRam-Kote 200TL for chemical resistance. Externally, CeRam-Kote 54® SST is the surface tolerant primer and CeRam-Thane 300, out top of the line polyurethane offers excellent UV protection.