CeRam-Kote Marine Applications


The PBY Catalina was being restored to reenact the 1st Transatlantic Flight of a Curtis NC4 in 1919. The PBY flying boat would make 45 water landings honoring the 75th anniversary of the historic transatlantic flight from Newfoundland to the Azores, the Azores to Lisbon, Portugal, then land in Plymouth, England. It needed a coating on the aluminum sandwich hull that could withstand high sea abrasion and impact during landings and takeoffs.


CeRam-Kote 54® was selected for use on the hull from the bow back to the step. CeRam-Kote 54® has withstood the tremendous abrasion and impact from over 250 water landings and takeoffs and is still intact after eleven years of use. The owner reported that vibration and use caused some rivets to loosen on the hull requiring repair, but the CeRam-Kote 54® is still in excellent condition, performing well.