CeRam-Kote Marine Applications


The "Caribe Jet Hull is a new design that utilizes water jet propulsion combined with a "forced air cushion" between the hulls to provide lift and cushion the ride.

• The manufacturer of the jet powered ferry was aware that turbulence along the hull as well as high turbulence and abrasion in the water intake tunnels from sand and suspended particles would require a high level of protection to the 147.64 foot (45 meter) aluminum hull.

• Previously, hand applied, high build coatings were expensive and slow to apply. The application of some systems would take two men seventy (70) hours to apply. The labor intensive costs had confined the application to the water intakes only. CeRam-Kote 54® could be applied by one man in four hours.


CeRam-Kote 54® has several successful overseas case histories for similar applications and was chosen for the air tunnel in the hulls as well as the water intake tubes for the water jet propulsion.

The coating has exceeded the builder's expectations. They are now working with Austoil to develop specifications for three (3) hulls to be built.