6.0 Top Coating CeRam-Kote Ceramic Epoxy Coatings with an Epoxy Compatible Topcoat

6.1 For optimum adhesion, CeRam-Kote Ceramic Epoxy Coatings must be topcoated when the CeRam-Kote Ceramic Epoxy Coating is still soft but dry to the touch (using thumbnail impression test, the       coating will be marked but will not adhere to thumbnail). This is the preferred topcoating application method.

6.2 Alternatively, if the CeRam-Kote Ceramic Epoxy Coating is cured beyond the dry to the touch stage:
6.2.1       Solvent wipe surface to remove contaminates.
6.2.2       Lightly sand with 80-100 grit paper.
6.2.3       Solvent wipe to remove any residue.
6.2.4       Apply a mist coat of the CeRam-Kote Ceramic Epoxy Coating.
6.2.5       Apply the epoxy compatible topcoat per instruction in 6.1 above.

6.3      For option 6.1, if the coating is beyond the dry to the touch stage, the surface must be checked for chloride contamination. Ten (10) ppm of chlorides is the maximum level for internal or immersion service (internal vessels) and twenty (20) ppm is the maximum for external or atmospheric service (pipelines, external vessels). The acceptable level for hulls below the water line is <3 ppm. Any readings outside of the above specified parameters will be treated with a soluble salt remover such as Chlor*rid.