9.0 Repairs

If the CeRam-Kote coating is less than forty-eight (48) hours old and has not been exposed to contamination, repair by wiping with Acetone, Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), or Isopropyl Alcohol (99% pure), then reapply CeRam-Kote Ceramic Epoxy coating.

If coated parts have been exposed to contamination and/or coated for longer than forty-eight (48) hours, repair by sanding with 40 to 60 grit sand paper then wipe with Acetone, Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) or Isopropyl Alcohol (99% pure). Make certain the substrate is totally free of all contamination and is white-metal clean NACE-1, no less than NACE-2. Once the substrate is totally clean of contamination, reapply CeRam-Kote Ceramic Epoxy coating to specification. If an amine blush or water spotting has occurred, be aware this is only cosmetic. It has only occurred at the air-to-coating interface. The surface must be sanded aggressively to remove the contamination back to unaffected coating before another coat of CeRam-Kote Ceramic Epoxy coating can be applied.

If the coated parts have been exposed to actual operating conditions for longer than seventy-two (72) hours, the effected substrate must be cleaned to NACE-1 white metal, no less than NACE-2 Near white metal. Ideally, sandblasting the effected substrate is best to achieve the needed anchor profile and to remove all contamination. Second option is to sand with 40-grit sandpaper to achieve contamination free substrate. It is recommended the substrate be checked for soluble salts before and after substrate preparation (see section 6.3 above for limits).